"Our heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings." Walt Disney

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Missing Time

Somewhere between August and November I lost some time. I believe that I am missing about two months. I am unable to figure out where the time has gone, but I hope to find it soon because I desperately need it back. I was not ready for Halloween, I am not ready to be gone to California, I am not ready for Thanksgiving, and I certainly am not ready for Christmas.... That being said I suppose that I am out of luck and will have to face the here and now.
We did survive Halloween, and Madison was able to down her entire stash of trick or treat candy in a matter of 48 hours. I believe that Damon is still working on his candy. The kids made out like bandits while trick or treating. Madison was Elizabeth Swan from Pirates of the Carribean and Damon dressed up like a zombie Doctor.

Mike entertained himself by decorating the yard for Halloween. Later, Mike went ghost hunting with Corey while the rest of us went to bed. (Sane people don't hang out in old grave yards on Halloween night. Now you see why Mike and Corey were there. ) For those of you wondering, yes they did find some "paranormal activity" in the graveyard in Eureka. No, you don't want to know what it was. I informed Mike that if any of his spooky little friends followed him home that he would be sleeping in the graveyard.

We have had the kids pictures taken and I have posted a couple of there here on the blog. I will also be sending pictures out with Christmas cards so watch for that. We will post pictures when we get back from our trip.

Just a little side note...we have reason to celebrate; my brother Chris just found out that he is having some of his research published in one of the science journals. He has had research published before but he was a second author on the project. This time it is his project and he is the author! Congrats Chris!


Rosalie said...

O.k. I think it is a perfectly normal to go to a graveyard to pay your respect to the once living. Who cares if it is at 02:00 a.m. in the morning, besides for some reason it seems they are more willing to come out and talk / show themselves to you.

O.k. I will agree it is a little geeky (More so if you would have been there to see us interact with it / them / who knows what) but look at it this way; at least were not doing something really weird like scrapbooking, you would really have a reason to worry then.

Besides, we left the new friends we made there at the cemetary...at least I think we did?

Rosalie said...

O.k. I think it is a perfectly normal to go to a graveyard to pay your respect to the once living. Who cares if it is at 02:00 a.m. in the morning, besides for some reason it seems they are more willing to come out and talk / show themselves to you.

O.k. I will agree it is a little geeky (More so if you would have been there to see us interact with it / them / who knows what) but look at it this way; at least were not doing something really weird like scrapbooking, you would really have a reason to worry then.

Besides, we left the new friends we made there at the cemetary...at least i think we did?

Rosalie said...

OK Michelle, that last comment was from Corey as you can tell...I am with you on this one, I am NOT ok with it either....I said the same thing, that they COULD NOT bring anyone home with them...Let's hope they didn't!

Cute pics of the kids! Hope all is well!!! Love ya tons!