"Our heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings." Walt Disney

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fall Fun

It's been a while since I have posted anything. Not to say that nothing has been going on; everything is going on and that seems to be the problem. We have been busy with school, dance, football, halloween, friends, and fun. So, here is the scoop. Despite having been busy, we were able to take a nice trip to Logan with our friends the Thuesons (Yes, people other than our parents will claim us!) We had a nice drive up to Logan, visited the Gossner cheese factory to load up on a car load of cheese, and then we drove up over Logan canyon and down to bear lake. Unfortunately, it was cloudy and rainy that day so it wasn't as pretty as it could have been. We were able to take some neat pictures so I thought I would share. Hope that you are having a nice fall (those of you who live in warm climates, such as florida and southern california, keep the weather comments to yourselves :) ) Thanks, Chad and Wendy, for putting up with us and our crazy kids!!!


Amy said...

How Pretty!! I haven't been to Logan in about 10 years. Leaves are just starting to change here. I love Fall!

Chris and Lish said...

Hey I want you to know that I saw several trees that had started to change color over by my work and thought of you. Then I proceeded to complain about the fact that 80 and sunny feels so hot...

Rosalie said...

WOW...what GREAT pics! I love your couple pic! You guys are so cute togeher...the ones of your kids are GREAT! I hope all is well with you guys! Miss you tons! Be safe!

House of Mellor said...

Hi Michelle
Thanks for finding me on facebook it has been forever. I used to love going to your house as a kid. Cute kids! my blog is http://houseofmellor.blogspot.com
Keep in touch.
Letitia Marshall