"Our heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings." Walt Disney

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Catching Up With Madison

Today's post is catching up with Madison. Princess Madison has been exceptionally busy lately. Her social schedule is full with first grade starting, fall semester for dance starting, hula, and soccer. So here is the rundown for our social butterfly. She has started first grade and is participating in the alpine district online school. This is the same school that Damon did last year. Madison is loving it. She is taking language arts, phonics, math, science, history, art, and as her foreign language she has French. She likes the work and the variety of activities and field trips that they have done. So far this year we have been to the art museum for a special exhibit and This is the Place Monument; she is looking forward to another art exhibit and the Halloween party next month. Madison is taking ballet/jazz again this year and is quite excited about the class. She came home last week showing Mike the new moves that she had learned. (She now has dance moves to compliment the songs that she goes around singing) She is still taking Hula and just had her summer concert last night. The girls are looking forward to dancing twice at the Scarecrow festival in October. She loves hula because she gets to "shake, shake, shake, shake your booty". Madi has discovered a new hidden talent this fall. She is an amazing soccer goalie; this is quite a feat for someone who ran around the entire season last year holding hands with her best friends on the team and discussing the outfits they were wearing. She still socializes while running on the field but has become very focused when she is goalie. This makes me a little nervous since she has no fear and is diving face first onto the ball while people are still kicking it. (However, should one of the boys kick her, my money would be on Madison to win that fight. She doesn't put up with anyone!) We are very proud of Madison and how hard she is working.

My next goal is to catch you up on Damon. I wasn't able to take pictures at football because I forgot one week and he was injured the next. I promise to remember the camera and give you the scoop.
Love ya,


Amy said...

What a cute girl! Looks like she is going to keep you busy and on your toes with her social calendar.

Natalie said...

I didn't know you blog! I've got a blog, but it's private. I need to email you an invite, but I need your email address first.

Rosalie said...

Awesome!!!! I love Madison's Hula pics! When will she be dancing at the Scarecrow Festival? We love going to that! Let us know!

Love you guys tons!