"Our heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings." Walt Disney

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Enjoying Spring

Mike was off of work last weekend and we took advantage. We spent Saturday in Logan. We went to baby animal days at the Jensen Historical Farm, went to the Blue and White football scrimmage at Utah State, visited Gossner's to buy cheese, and went shopping at the sock and pajama outlets. The weather was beautiful, and the kids loved the baby animals. They were able to pet goats, pigs, horses, and sheep. They held ducklings, chicks, and rabbits, and then they rode the ponies. We also panned for gold and walked down to the pastures to see the buffalo herd.

My friend Britney, from New York, whom I haven't seen in a very long time was in town this weekend and we were able to visit with her and her mom on Sunday. We had a great time. Wish we could see them more. My mom's birthday was on Sunday and we had dinner and cake with her as well.
This week was also Madison's Greek festival. She decided that she wanted to be Aphrodite the goddess of Love. (She originally was going to be Athena, but decided for the goddess of love instead). Here are some pictures of her before she went to school.

We have one other piece of news to share. Chris, who is finishing up his doctorate, defended his work in front of the committee this week. They were very impressed with his work and experiments. Now, he needs to defend publicly and then he graduates. Congratulations Chris!

Sending our love to everyone!


1 comment:

Night Sky said...

Love your blog, Michelle! Happy Birthday (belated) to your mom, kudos to your little Greek Goddess, and congrats to Chris! Thanks for spending part of your very busy weekend with Brit and me! Love you guys.