"Our heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings." Walt Disney

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just an Update

This is just a little post to catch up on our lives. First, I must start out with very important news...the Utah State Aggies have been ranked in the top 25 in three different polls. They won again tonight and are hoping that it will improve our ranking. (Utah state, hey, aggies all the way, go aggies, go aggies, hey hey hey!) Now that we got through that; I can't believe that we are now into February, it is flying by. It was beautiful today and the kids were able to go outside and play. Madison and her friends were out running around and playing littlest pet shops. Damon and his friends were out in the back yard shooting plastic cups with their BB guns. They had quite the target range set up. I was just thankful that they could go out and play; they have had cabin fever for the last month or so.
The kids are enjoying school. Madison loves her science, art, history, french, and language arts. She is not too fond of Phonics because she thinks that it is too much work. Damon is loving his literature, history, science, german, and art. He doesn't love the language arts or the composition because it involves too much writing.
Mike is keeping busy at work. It is that time of year when all of the crazy, homeless people want a place to stay so they get arrested. Three hots and a cot. I am keeping busy with everything going on. Needless to say, our house looks like a bomb went off. (Please don't plan on visiting unless you give us a month's notice so that we can dig out the front room) LOL. I keep waiting for the neighbors to call for search and rescue.
Our families are doing well. Mike's parents are enjoying the beach and the warm weather (we are all jealous). My parents are doing well, they are planning their next Disneyland adventure for March. Chris and Alicia will be out in April for her brother's wedding. We are excited to actually see them twice in the next couple of months. Tim and Beverly (Mike's brother) are keeping busy in Florida with work and teenage girls. Ryan and Kim (Mike's brother) are busy with work and family. Chris and Alicia (My brother) are busy with grad school, research, and teaching preschool.
Just for the record, Mike has decided that we both need to get in shape. He wants to lose weight and tone. He thinks that my stick arms and chicken legs are in need of some muscle. So, the other night we started and we brought out the new excercise ball with all of the whistles and bells. We followed the nice DVD workout that came with the ball and the lady on it was very nice and very helpful. The next day we both hurt, could hardly move, and decided that the lady on the video was actually evil. We will see if we decide otherwise in the next couple of weeks.
All is well and we are glad that everyone else seems to be doing well.
Love ya,

1 comment:

Amy said...

Your relationship with getting toned and fit is the same one I have with it. I don't like it. Yes we are thin, but that doesn't make us healthy or fit. I just have an attitude problem when it come to exercising.