"Our heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings." Walt Disney

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Surviving the Holidays

Well, we made it through the holidays. We had a wonderful Christmas and the kids had LOTS of presents under the tree. Some of their favorite gifts under the tree were:

Madison- A Barbie house that is taller than she is, Raggedy Ann dolls, Littlest Pet Shop Vip, jewelry, and polly pockets, a gift card, and a book about Mango the green cat.
Damon- A long board, An MP3 player, A short wave radio, some reading books, and some drawing books.

However, their favorite gift by far was the Wii that Grammy and Grandpa gave us. It has even given the kids incentive to keep the basement clean! We spent the day with my parents and went to see my Grandma and my Aunt's family. We had a great day even with all of the snow that we had.
We rang in the new year with a pizza party with the Thuesons. We even made it to midnight, of course, we left at 12:15 am. What can we say...we are real party animals! The kids are back into school and madi is in dance and hula. Damon is taking a break and is looking forward to lacrosse this spring.

Well, hope that this finds you all well. Love ya!!


Rosalie said...

Very cool! Looks like you guys had a GREAT time!

Amy said...

Looks like Santa found you and treated you (or at least the kids)nicely. Hope all is going well. I have decided that life is just busy, no matter what is going on. I keep waiting for it to slow down, but it doesn't!