This is just a little post to catch everyone up on what we are up to. The answer is not much. We have been busy around the house. Mike has had the last few days off and has been busy with yardwork and cleaning around the house. I have worked several of the days that Mike has been off which isn't much help for him. We have been working on some of the problem areas in our yard and still have a few to go, the problem is that it suddenly has become 100 degrees outside and too hot to work outside.
We went to Lagoon on Friday with our friends the Thuesons. We had a great time and the kids loved riding the rides. I think that was the first time that Madison has been there and Damon would have been about 2 when we last went. Needless to say, the kids were out before we could get on the freeway to come home.
Mike was hit by a tire the other day while driving. He was on his way to work and the truck next to him lost a tire, wheel and everything. The tire was then rolling down Mike's lane and he had nowhere to go. Thank goodness the tire hit the front of the car and then rolled up and off the side instead of up the hood and through the windshield. The front bumper has a big melted tire print on the bumper, the bumper is cracked, and the skirting in bent down. The guys insurance company is coming out tomorrow to look at the car. We are just thankful that Mike is okay.