"Our heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings." Walt Disney

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Well here we are starting a new week and it finds me at work in the middle of the night. We have had a busy week but are recovering from our vacation. Madison and Damon went back to school on Monday despite their moans and groans. They seem to be falling right back into the routine. Damon is doing his end of year testing this week and next. Madison has her kindergarten program on Wednesday and is very excited to dress up like a bug. How appropriate since we call her our Madi bug. Damon had his first baseball game on Saturday and he did well despite the terrible wind and dust storm that he played in.
I am getting braces tomorrow to correct the shifting that my wisdom teeth caused. So yes, I will be the brace faced nerd for a while. Madison thinks this is really cool and would like me to get pink braces because that would be cute. We shall see. Mike is busy with projects around the house and yard while he is on his days off. He might actually get to relax one of these days. :) He just found out that his brother Tim will be getting married next month to his long time girlfriend Beverly. He is sorry that he can't get out there for the wedding but did have to harass Tim about getting married on his birthday. Mike thinks that since his birthday is such a huge event, it will make it easier for Tim to remember the wedding anniversary. Congrats to Tim and Beverly!! Beverly thanks for making an honest man out of Tim. (Well, thanks for trying anyway)
Well, I guess that sums up the last week. We hope that all is well with everyone.
Love ya,

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